14 months


Mason is 14 months old today and it is incredible how much he has developed and grown up the past couple of weeks. Just before he turned 13 months he started walking, not just taking a few steps. One day he just stood up in the kitchen on his own without pulling up on anything and started walking. I will say, it’s really nice that he can walk when we go somewhere and I need to put him down for a second, I don’t look like a bad mom with my son crawling around on a dirty floor.

Just over the past couple of days he’s gotten really fast and has ran a couple times, usually to chase after a cat. Thanks to his new found speed, he’s into everything before I even notice! He loves to throw the bowl of cat food all over the kitchen, eat some, hide in the bathroom, hide his toys and the tv remotes all over the house, hide silverware in his toy box…and I’m right next to him! He’s quick! He points at where he wants to go and what he wants. I love how he points with his chubby little fingers. He also loves to pant and pretend he is out of breath, I guess he’s heard me pant after walking up and down the stairs 🙈. He loves to chase the cats and dog at my grandmas house. He’s gotten really good at his stacking rings and carries them around the house wherever he goes.IMG_7140

He’s got a really good arm, he can hit me in the face with any toy. He’s also started hitting me. I don’t know where this aggression came from but it’s hard to get him to understand that it’s not ok. I pretend to fake cry and he laughs, I ignore him and he does it more, I take the toy away and he cries, I replace it with a ball that he can throw and he throws it at me. The other day Mark was sitting by us on the couch and Mason hit me so Mark picked Mason up and put him on the other side of him and said he was on time out for hitting mommy. Mason started bawling! Hopefully that helps him learn not to hit.

He’s cutting FOUR teeth right now and it’s been suuuuper fun. His top front teeth are about to come through any day. He also has the teeth next to his bottom front teeth coming through, one’s already through. He’s drooling like crazy and usually has about three drool lines coming down his chin. Poor boy! And poor us, he’s been waking up at 5:50 for the past few days and since he spoiled me this whole past year, I am not used to this early morning routine!

We just had Thanksgiving and my family was all here for it. We had so much fun with my parents and sisters. While they were here we took Mason to the train at the South Towne Mall, Courtney and I took him to the Aquarium, and Mark and Taylor and I took him to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point, and he played in the snow for the first time. He wasn’t too sure of it at first but he had fun sledding and playing in the snow. He even threw a fit when it was time to go inside. We also got to go wedding dress shopping with Rachel! It was so fun and so surreal to see her in beautiful dresses. She is going to be a gorgeous bride.

Our friends Tara & Peter and their boys Landon & Jackson were in town visiting family for Thanksgiving and we got to meet up with them while they were here. They lived across the parking lot from us in college and we have missed them so much over the past three years! We had a great time meeting their cute boys and going to dinner and playing laser tag with them. I love friendships that never change and can pick up right where they left off.

1st birthday

This post is almost 2 months late but it’s not because I haven’t wanted to write it. Honestly, it’s because I’m just so busy with my little toddler that I haven’t found the time. And also, we are buying a house! So that has been eating into what little free time I have.

But we celebrated Mason’s birthday on October 3rd because it was conference weekend and lots of people were in town. A lot of family and friends came to our little birthday party where we had pizza and cake and opened presents. Mason ate 2 huge pieces of Costco pizza, opened so many gifts (mostly cars and trucks which are his favorite things!), wasn’t sure about everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to him and liked his cake until he rubbed frosting in his eye and then hated it.

I still can’t believe how quickly this year has gone by! I blinked and I have a 1 year old! But at the same time, it feels like years ago that Mason was a new born. This has been the best year of our life. We have never been happier, so in love, tired, excited (the list goes on and on) than we have this year with this sweet baby boy.

Mason can take a few steps. He loves to make sure we are all watching and then he will take a few steps to me and fall into me, wrap his arms around my neck and give me a big slobbery kiss. I love it! He’s so proud of himself when he does this. It’s so cute.

We feel so blessed to be Mason’s parents. Since day one, he has been the best baby and is so easy going, which totally makes up for his seriousness. He is starting to smile more freely and warms up to people quicker. I don’t know what we did to deserve this sweet boy, but he has certainly brought us more joy and happiness than we knew was possible. You light up the room Mason and bring a joy to everyone around you. We love you beyond words.