1st birthday

This post is almost 2 months late but it’s not because I haven’t wanted to write it. Honestly, it’s because I’m just so busy with my little toddler that I haven’t found the time. And also, we are buying a house! So that has been eating into what little free time I have.

But we celebrated Mason’s birthday on October 3rd because it was conference weekend and lots of people were in town. A lot of family and friends came to our little birthday party where we had pizza and cake and opened presents. Mason ate 2 huge pieces of Costco pizza, opened so many gifts (mostly cars and trucks which are his favorite things!), wasn’t sure about everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to him and liked his cake until he rubbed frosting in his eye and then hated it.

I still can’t believe how quickly this year has gone by! I blinked and I have a 1 year old! But at the same time, it feels like years ago that Mason was a new born. This has been the best year of our life. We have never been happier, so in love, tired, excited (the list goes on and on) than we have this year with this sweet baby boy.

Mason can take a few steps. He loves to make sure we are all watching and then he will take a few steps to me and fall into me, wrap his arms around my neck and give me a big slobbery kiss. I love it! He’s so proud of himself when he does this. It’s so cute.

We feel so blessed to be Mason’s parents. Since day one, he has been the best baby and is so easy going, which totally makes up for his seriousness. He is starting to smile more freely and warms up to people quicker. I don’t know what we did to deserve this sweet boy, but he has certainly brought us more joy and happiness than we knew was possible. You light up the room Mason and bring a joy to everyone around you. We love you beyond words.

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